Friday, July 12, 2013

WEEK 1 EOC: My Voice

Welcome to my blog, Matts the name and Sound is the game! Sound is a median in which we are able to experience our everyday lives. It lets the voices of people be heard forever and from distances nobody would have believed could be true hundreds of years ago.  It has been a deep passion of mine since I was a younger, always listening to music. This further developed as I got into playing the Viola in High School and had gotten deeper into technology within computers. By using the skillset I have and by still learning on a daily basis, I help others achieve whatever possible sound they are wishing to create. Whether it be a beat or score for a short film or music piece. Dialogue or ADR in production and pre-production, as well as Foley. By working in the sound industry I have also collected a substantial amount of sound effects from numerous projects. Because this industry is so dynamic, I have to continuously evolve my skillset to better my workmanship and help customers better the company they worked hard for, just as I have.